Allied Health Science Course Descriptions
As an Allied Health Science major at Carthage, you’ll take courses and electives in allied health science, 生物学, 化学, exercise and sports science, and physics.
Introduction to Health Care Professions
AHS 1020 / 2 credits
The course is an introduction to various aspects of the health care field. 学生将探索各种与健康相关的学科,并为他们选择的职业道路制定学术计划. 博彩网址大全的具体医疗保健途径将被更彻底地研究. 将介绍跨专业实践的概念和实施策略. 学生将有机会参与体验式学习活动.
Offered in Fall
Introduction to Music Therapy
ASH 1300 / 2 credits
本课程将提供音乐治疗的卫生保健专业的概述,重点是原则, 框架, 以及治疗音乐在各种临床人群中的应用. 对音乐的基本大脑和神经反应以及音乐的社会和心理影响将被探索.
Offered in Spring
Interprofessional Practice in Healthcare: Innovation
AHS 3000 / 4 credits
学生将在一个跨专业的团队中工作,开发和提供一个社区外展项目, education event or collaborative government project. 每周的同行讨论将提供他们经验的分享和反思.
Structural Kinesiology
AHS 3080 / 4 credits
结构运动机能学是研究参与运动的肌肉. This class will cover in detail the origin, 插入, 函数, 以及主要骨骼肌的神经支配,因为它们与人体运动有关.
Prerequisite: AHS 1020
Offered in Spring
Interprofessional Practice: Immersive Experience
AHS 4000 / 4 credits
The student will experience a clinical, 实习, or field placement in their preferred healthcare field. 参加TeamSTEPPS工作坊将为学生提供跨专业的实践知识,然后开始分配的经验. The final project will consist of a case study poster presentation.
Prerequisite: AHS 1000
Offered in J-Term
Health Care Informatics
AHS 4439 / 2 credits
Prerequisite: AHS 4469 with a grade of C- or better
Evidence-Based Practice in Health Care
AHS 4469 / 4 credits
该学生将运用在医疗保健证据基础实践中掌握的学术研究方法. 学生将在教师批准的主题上发表第二篇研究论文,最后在博彩网址大全庆祝活动上发表海报.
Prerequisite: EXS 2330 with a grade of C- or better
Offered in Fall
Senior Seminar
AHS 4900 / 4 credits
学生将有机会运用AHS 4465中掌握的医疗保健循证实践的学术研究方法. 学生应就教师认可的主题写一篇文献综述.
Prerequisites: AHS 4469
Offered in Spring
Human Anatomy and Physiology for the Health Professional I
BIO 2010 / 4 credits
This course, the first in a two-part sequence, 是为了让学习者探索人体解剖学和生理学的基本概念. 本课程强调解剖结构与生理功能和过程的整合. 本课程不计入生物专业,也不适合生物、新能源大学或CHM专业. 本课程是为护理、运动训练和学前健康专业的学生设计的. This course includes a laboratory.
Human Anatomy and Physiology for the Health Professional II
BIO 2020 / 4 credits
This course, the second in a two-part sequence, 是为了让学习者探索人体解剖学和生理学的基本概念, focusing on the selected body systems. 本课程强调解剖结构与生理功能和过程的整合. 本课程不计入生物专业,也不适合生物、新能源大学或CHM专业. This course includes a laboratory.
Prerequisite: BIO 2010 with a C- or higher
Health Communication (Recommended)
CDM 2100 / 4 credits
本课程的主要目的是研究交际现象, theoretically and practically, as it occurs in health care contexts. Private and public messages, internal and external to health institutions, 将被检查以探索这些信息如何影响医疗保健决策和结果. 健康传播包括许多不同的文化和实践社区, including patient-provider communication, 市场营销, and public health campaigns, the use of technology in health care, and communication within and across allied fields.
General Chemistry I
CHM 1010 / 4 credits
The basic principles and concepts of 化学, including atomic structure, chemical reactions and stoichiometry, 气体定律, thermo化学, and periodic classification of the elements. Lecture, three periods; laboratory, three periods.
Offered in Fall
General Chemistry II
CHM 1020 / 4 credits
A study of chemical and ionic equilibria, 动力学, electro化学, thermodynamics, and acid-base 化学. Lecture, three periods; laboratory, three periods.
Prerequisite: CHM 1010 with at least a C-, departmental approval, or two years of high school 化学 with an average grade of B. A grade of C or better in CHM 1020 provides credit for CHM 1010
Offered in Fall, Spring
Applied Statistics for Health and Human 服务
EXS 2330 / 4 credits
本课程介绍了在卫生和人类服务专业中遇到的情况下利用统计数据的实用方法. 介绍基本的统计理论和概念,以帮助学生理解使用统计计算的基本原理和目的. Basic parametric statistical analyses, as well as the mathematical logic behind these calculations, will be presented. 学生将学习如何用正态分布进行假设检验,并学习解释和批判性地评估研究成果. 这些知识将使学生成为基于证据的实践者和同行评审研究的关键消费者.
Physiology of Exercise
EXS 3080 / 4 credits
本课程旨在向学生介绍运动和运动生理学的学科, 哪个是关于身体如何从生理上适应运动或体育活动的急性压力的研究, and the chronic stress of physical training. 重点将放在神经肌肉适应力量训练和心肺适应耐力训练. 本课程还将讨论运动在延缓或预防代谢综合征方面的重要性.
Prerequisite: BIO 1040 or BIO 2010
PHY 2100 / 4 credits
这门不以微积分为基础的课程介绍力学的基本知识, 热, and sound for students with no prior training in physics or 化学. PHY 2100,结合2110,是健康和生命科学专业的首选序列. Lecture and laboratory.
Prerequisite: High school algebra
Offered in Fall
Introduction to Psychological Science (Recommended)
PYC 1500 / 4 credits
由团队教授的心理科学方法和原理的入门课程. 注意:主修课程必须以C-或更高的成绩通过本课程才能继续主修课程.
Offered in Fall, Spring
PYC 1850 / 4 credits
本课程将理论与研究结合起来,因为它们与神经生物学有关, 认知, 社会, 以及个体从受孕到成年在文化背景下的情感发展. 本课程强调正常的发展阶段和适应不同一生需求的模式. This course is designed for students in the health professions. This course may not be applied to the Psychological Science major or minor.
Prerequisite: None